Asset Searches | Asset Check Investigations
There are a number of reasons why asset searches (also referred to as asset check investigations) are conducted that may be part of a civil or criminal investigation. Asset searches are also useful in business background investigations. While assets of interest commonly include bank accounts and physical assets, Intellectual property such as patents, trademarks and copyrights can also be researched. For example, the increasingly digital world we live in has afforded tech savvy people opportunities not previously available. The investigation may reveal the subject holds a patent for the next portable device “app” worth millions. The information in this article discusses some of the more common reasons why individuals, law firms and businesses initiate asset check investigations.
Post-Judgment | Litigation
We highly prioritize individual’s privacy, including their livelihood, however we recognize that landlords and other individuals who win a judgment from a lawsuit may need to locate someone’s place of employment, bank or other assets to recover owed funds from debtors.
Divorce Proceeding
Asset check investigations are sometimes requested as part of divorce cases, in particular divorce cases that are contested. It’s not uncommon for private investigators to receive calls from individuals in a divorce proceeding or the attorneys that represent them when a party to the divorce is suspected of not disclosing all their assets. These finances need to be accounted for during the litigation process.
Business Ventures
A business may be considering a joint venture with another business. As part of a business background investigation at least one business should be interested in learning about the other company’s financial health and certain assets owned. Also, checking to see if both civil and criminal records exist may also be of interest.
Asset search investigations can uncover (but not limited to):
- Real Estate Property
- Banks and Brokerage Accounts
- Motor Vehicles, Watercraft/Boats and Aircraft
- Judgments and Bankruptcy Filings
- Corporate Filings
- Uniform Commercial Code Filings (UCC Filings)
- Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights
A licensed CT private investigator will work cost effectively on your behalf when asset check investigations are needed.