
Locates | Skip Tracing

Private investigators can help find a variety of individuals, such as judgment debtors, witnesses to accidents and others for civil litigation or claims cases. Read below for more information. We have a locate investigation specialist available to assist clients with locating debtors, witnesses and other individuals. For a flat rate our standard person/skip tracing search provides Nationwide coverage. Check out OUR GUARANTEE.   

Locating Individuals | Skip Tracing

There are a variety of reasons why people are sought to be located. A locate investigation specialist can help find a variety of individuals, such as judgment debtors, witnesses to accidents and others for civil litigation or claims cases. It’s not uncommon for people in child custody or support litigation matters that want to locate an involved party to their case. Not all locate investigations involve litigation. Some clients are looking to find old friends or family members who have moved away and they lost contact with each other over the years. As a licensed private detective agency Connecticut Investigative Solutions has access to powerful databases and other investigative resources. These resources and developed investigative techniques from years of experience are used by our locate investigations specialist. If you are trying to find out where someone resides, or locate someone’s place of employment let us know.

Nationwide Search | Locate Investigation Specialist

In most cases a locate investigation specialist can conduct a standard person search for a flat rate when the client provides the subject’s name and social security number, or a full name along with a DOB and qualifying valid last known address. If you can’t provide an SSN if your case qualifies an investigative agency like Connecticut Investigative Solutions should have no problem getting it.


If the subject’s current residence is not found through the Standard Person Search option clients only pay a reduced “no hit” fee to cover time and expenses associated with the search. Financially speaking, what can this mean for you? LOW risk, HIGH reward. Give us a call.